FAQ: Questions regarding the programme

Is this the perfect degree programme for me?

The Master's programme primarily targets graduates of humanities and cultural studies and enables students to develop an independent research profile in the field of Cultural Heritage. Students from other disciplines acquire key competencies in the humanities. The programme is strongly research-oriented, and students should have a distinct research interest in the field of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection. At the same time, the programme places a strong emphasis on practical training. Students are expected to participate in project-based courses that promote knowledge transfer to the public sphere. In almost all courses, students are required to give oral presentations, write essays, and prepare extensive readings.

How long does the MA Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection program last?

The curriculum is designed for two academic years (i.e., four semesters) during which students are required to earn a total of 120 credit points. There is an option for part-time study. The program starts only in the winter semester; you cannot commence your studies in the summer semester.

Is it possible to choose a second major or minor in addition to the MA in Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection?

No. The MA in Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection is a 100% major program. It is not possible to choose Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection as a minor.

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

"The university charges an administrative fee of currently €171.75 per semester, which is mandatory for all students to pay. Additionally, starting from the winter semester 2017/18, international students from non-EU or non-EEA countries enrolled in undergraduate and consecutive master's programs at universities in Baden-Württemberg are subject to tuition fees. Tuition fees must also be paid by all German and international students pursuing a second degree.

For international students from countries outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), tuition fees of €1,500 per semester are charged at all universities in Baden-Württemberg."

More information about tuition fees

Information about tuition fees for international students

Are there funding opportunities and scholarships available?

No, unfortunately, we cannot offer scholarships to students. However, Heidelberg University has compiled an extensive list of external scholarship opportunities.

Information from the Heidelberg University about scholarships and funding opportunities